21 July 2011

Hatch Shell

I have a new favorite place in Boston.

Image found here.

I went last night to a concert given by the Boston Landmark Orchestra. They do this every week throughout the summer, and let me tell you, it was so much fun. I've always loved orchestra concerts, but something about being out on the grass right next to the water makes it an entirely different kind of enjoyable. And I got to talk through the whole thing without anyone getting annoyed! (You all know how I love to talk during entertainment. (Sorry, Melis.)) Tchaikovsky's Symphony 4 was beautiful, and reminded me of Sleeping Beauty (the movie, not the opera—because really, when would anything remind me of an opera? Never, that's when.). Apparently I'm not far off the mark though, because Tchaikovsky wrote Sleeping Beauty too. Go figure.

The Hatch Shell has a series of outdoor events throughout the summer. Tomorrow we're heading out there to watch Despicable Me for a roommate's birthday. Cake and a movie outside by the Charles? The only thing that would make it better is if we were on a sailboat on the water instead.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so so jealous. Although not so jealous about having to listen to you talk through the whole thing :)
