My good friend Charlotte has a lovely blog tradition, take 12 pictures on the 12th day of the month. Today, finally, I hopped on board. I like the idea. Thought not enough to remember a camera, apparently, all photos are via the phone.
1. The amount of money in my purse after I realized I left my wallet at home. $1.27.
2. My playlist for the day. I've been on a Simon & Garfunkel kick this week.
3. Work.
4. Borders trip at lunch sans wallet = less fun.
5. Pinning as the day slowed down.
6. Government Center T stop, hello commute.
7. I got mail! Congratulations, Holly!
8. Leftover birthday cheesecake con Gilmore Girls. Perfect.
9. My project for the evening: being the book organization.
10. My actual evening activity: popcorn and The Time Traveler's Wife. (book = meh)
11. The fan is my best friend. Seriously.
12. The time was unintentionally related to this project. But definitely time for bed.
I haven't read the Time Traveler's Wife, but I adored the movie.
ReplyDeleteYou should thank your mother for that fan.